Risk factors associated with oral cancer in a population aged 35 to 59 years of the doctor’s office 28



Detección Precoz Del Cáncer, Factores De Riesgo, Neoplasias De La Boca


Background: oral cancer is a group of diseases derived from the covering epithelium of mucus. The identification of predisposing factors as smoking, alcoholism, continued exposure to solar radiation and hot and spicy food intake will make it possible to get its early detection and prevention.

Objective: to identify the risk factors associated with oral cancer in a population between 35 and 59 years of age, of the doctor’s office 28 of Vedado Polyclinic of the municipality of Plaza de la Revolución from January to March 2020.

Methods: a descriptive, observational, prospective and cross-sectional study was carried out. The universe was made up of 615. The sample consisted of 192 patients by intentional non-probabilistic sampling. The following variables were studied: sex, skin phototype and risk factors associated with oral cancer. The data were processed according to descriptive statistics and expressed in absolute values and percentages.

Results: the sample was represented mostly by the male sex with 53,1 %. The most identified risk factor was the ingestion of very hot or spicy foods with a total of 105 patients, which represented 54,7 % of the sample. 53,6 % of the sample More than half of the sample did not visit the dentist in the last year.

Conclusion: the risk factors associated with oral cancer that predominated in the doctor’s office 28 are the ingestion of very hot and spicy foods, the absence to the dentist’s, solar radiation and oral sex without protection


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How to Cite

Batista-Fernández A, Bonachea-Monteagudo IM. Risk factors associated with oral cancer in a population aged 35 to 59 years of the doctor’s office 28. EsTuSalud [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];3(3):e111. Available from: https://revestusalud.sld.cu/index.php/estusalud/article/view/111



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